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DataVista for California Adult Education Program Webinar | 03.25.25

The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office California in conjunction with WestEd are happy to provide an overview of DataVista with a focus on California Adult Education Program (CAEP) adult learners. This 90-minute webinar will include: 

  • an overview of DataVista, the new metrics platform for information on California Community Colleges and Adult Education student achievement and success

  • a review of how the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) continues to be the overarching framework for CAEP metric definitions 

  • an in-depth walkthrough of CAEP adult learner metrics and resources in DataVista including the CAEP Scorecard report

  • a practical use case to show how the data can be helpful in looking at adult learner populations at your institution, consortia, or region to understand successes as well as possible areas needing improvement

We invite you to Register Here for the CAEP webinar on March 25th at 10:00am.



03/25/2025 10:00 AM

