Transcript: Take a Tour
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Welcome to DataVista, a website and metrics platform for information on California community colleges and adult education student success, created by the California Community College's Chancellor's Office in partnership with WestEd. This brief video will help guide you through our website.
The homepage will be the starting point to access resources, support, and the data views to access outcome metrics. The site navigation offers access to additional platform general information and support. We'll come back to this in a bit.
From the Quicklinks section, you can find a report that will provide swift access to our key report views, putting insights just a click away. Right below our Quicklinks are tiles for three Data Views. Each tile serves as one of three entry points for the data. Reports and Insights provides access to a number of reports with a limited set of metrics related to a statewide initiative or program.
Metric Themes allows you to view groups of metrics organized by themes or journey segments such as progress, employment, and earnings. The themes, metrics, and drill-downs available will depend on your selection of the main student group, which we'll explore in just a moment.
The Single Metric view provides you the most flexibility to customize your views, compare or consider the top five for certain metrics.
The next entry point is our Data Explorer. This feature allows you to directly access the data via several selections, which will take you to a customized view. In the updates section, you'll find the latest news, future releases, enhancements, and important announcements to keep you informed about DataVista. And at the bottom of the home page, you can sign up for the Chancellor's Office DataVista listserv.
When you click on Data Views, a drop-down will appear containing three options, reports and insights, metric themes, and single metric view. These are the same views available in the tiles we mentioned earlier. Clicking on an option will take you to the views intermediary page to make your selection among three main student groups. Please note that we will be adding more student groups in the future.
In Resources, there are a few ways to explore. You can locate specific resources by using the search bar or by using the “Sort by” drop-down. You can also use filters to view resources based on groupings like student groups or reports.
The News & Events page will keep you up to date with all Data Vista events. This will be a location where you can sign up or register for Data Vista offerings.
The About page informs you on Data Vista and its partners. Additionally, the page contains several key DataVista Knowledge Building resources.
The last page is our Contact page here. You can send a specific question to the DatVista team.
Thank you for watching this video. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions via the contact page or by emailing