Transcript: Reports & Insights Tour
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Welcome to DataVista, a website and metrics platform for information on California community colleges and adult education student success, created by the California Community College's Chancellor's Office in partnership with WestEd. This video covers our reports and insights data view, which is most beneficial for users looking at their institution's progress in a system-wide program or initiative. Reports and insights has three entry points. One under data views in the top navigation, the second in the quick links dropdown, and the third underneath the quick links. Select a report from the Insights and Reports landing page. Each report has a description informing you of its intended purpose. Selecting a report brings you to a customized display of your data, including metrics and disaggregations.
The California Adult Education Program scorecard includes counts, percentages, and symbols that indicate year-over-year change for the metrics displayed. The legend in the bottom left corner explains what each metric symbol represents. Use the expandable filters on the left to view the data you are looking for. The first filter allows you to select the academic year. Note that incomplete metrics may be displayed when the most recent year of data is selected. To view all metrics, select a previous year.
The next filter is locale. The default option is statewide, but additional options are available. You can also select a locale via the search box. You'll know your selection has been made by the updated title above the graph. The next filter is the adult education or AE program. This is only available for the California Adult Education Program Scorecard Report. Here, various options like CTE and ESL are provided. Finally, the drill-down allows you to filter by demographics including age, gender, and ethnicity. Double-click on the metric symbol in the scorecard to display the time trend. Here, you'll find similar drop-down boxes to manipulate your data in addition to a few options for customization and exporting your data.
In the options, you can change the years displayed on your graph. You can also select show table to accompany your graph with a table of the metrics you have selected. Once your selections are made, you can export this information as a PDF to embed into a report or share with your colleagues. To return to the scorecard view, use the back button. Lastly, a toolkit surrounds all data views and can be hidden or shown by clicking the Toolkit arrow in the top right corner. Based on the report you select, different resources with guidance, key terminology, and conversation starters will appear in the toolkit. Thank you for watching this video on DataVista's reports and insights. If you have any questions, please use the contact form found in the top navigation.