The Chancellor's Office California Adult Education Program Website contains information that covers adult education programs for workforce skills, career growth, and personal development across California.
The CAEP Adult Learner Agency Crosswalk maps all education providers including K12 and community colleges and districts to AE consortia and micro-regions for 2023-24. The TOPS Agency Code is provided by CASAS for those institutions or California Community College districts or colleges that have an account to submit data into TOPSPro Enterprise. However, data has not been submitted or included in the CASAS extract received by the DataVista team for CAEP Adult Learners for every year for every ID provided.
For users used to accessing information on LaunchBoard, this two-page infographic provides a mapping of where information can be found in DataVista that was on the Student Success Metrics Snapshot and Cohort Views on the first page and a mapping of where information can be found from all LaunchBoard dashboards on the second page.