Data Views
Attained the Living Wage (802SWP)
Among CTE students who exited all postsecondary, the proportion who attained the district county living wage for a single adult comparing a student’s median annual earnings to the living wage.
Completed a Noncredit Workforce Milestone (403SWP)
Among students with a noncredit enrollment on a CTE TOP code or a noncredit enrollment in a workforce prep course, the proportion who completed a noncredit CTE or workforce prep course or had 48 or more contact hours in noncredit CTE or workforce prep course(s) in the selected year.
Earned 9+ CTE Units (402SWP)
Among CTE students, the proportion who successfully completed nine or more career education semester units in the selected year within the district.
Earned an Award or Attained Apprenticeship Journey Level Status (632SWP)
Number of students who earned a noncredit certificate, Chancellor’s Office approved certificate, associate degree, and/or CCC baccalaureate degree on a TOP code assigned to a vocational sector and who were enrolled in the district on any TOP code in the selected year or who attained apprenticeship journey status on a vocationally flagged TOP code in the selected year and who were enrolled at any community college at the start of the apprenticeship program on a vocationally flagged TOP code.
Job in Field of Study (701SWP)
The percentage of CTE exiters who reported working in a job closely or very closely related to their field of study in the CTE Outcome Survey.
Median Annual Earnings of Exiting CTE Students (800SWP)
Among CTE students who exited all postsecondary, median annual earnings following the academic year of exit. Annual earnings are calculated by taking the quarterly earnings two quarters after exit (Oct-Dec) and multiplying by four.
Median Change in Earnings (801SWP)
Among CTE students who exited all postsecondary, median change in earnings between the fiscal quarter two quarters prior to the academic year of entry and the fiscal quarter two quarters after the academic year of exit from the last college attended.
SWP Students: SWP Report
Strong Workforce Program (SWP) students are Non-Special Admit students who are enrolled in a CTE program area assigned to a vocational sector in the academic year. Metrics for SWP students can be viewed in all three data views: Reports and Insights, Metric Themes, and Single Metric. Strong Workforce Program Report only includes metrics or equivalent metrics that are part of the 17% SWP Incentive Funding Allocation for only SWP students. To see these metrics with additional functionality and additional metrics for SWP students, go to the Metric Themes or Single Metric Views, select "Non-Special Admit Students," and then select "CTE" from the Program selections in the left navigation.
Transferred to a Four-Year Institution (650SWP)
Among CTE students, the number of students who earned 12 or more units at any time and at any college up to and including the selected year, who exited the community college system and who enrolled in any four-year postsecondary institution in the subsequent year.